Multigroup Property Services can take care of the post construction clean up and of the waste that will be generated in your home after the renovation. Our hardworking movers have the necessary arsenal of tools, vehicles and skills to handle the cleaning of any home from construction waste. Depending on the home and the repairs that are being carried out, the cleaning can take place in several different ways.
Cleaning an apartment of construction waste
Cleaning an apartment after renovation is not an easy task. When it comes to major repairs, which include demolition of walls, tiles and other parts of your home, things get much more complicated. The hardest part is cleaning the bathroom. Although it is a relatively small room, the garbage that is formed after its renovation is often too much to handle. Removing the garbage is also not an easy task. It may seem easy, but believe us, filling a bag of construction waste and then taking it out of the house and loading it on the vehicle waiting in front of the entrance takes a lot of effort.
Construction waste removal from your house
There is a significant difference between removing the construction waste after renovation of an apartment or house. The house is a much larger site and usually involves the disposal of other types of debris outside of building materials. Such as cutting trees, shrubs, etc. Therefore, the use of heavy equipment and trucks may be required. So, in this situation, it may be necessary to seek the help of professionals.
Transportation of waste to landfill
Multigroup Property Services offers a single transportation of waste to the Vancouver landfill. This means that our company will only take care of transporting the garbage from your home to the landfill. You will have to take care of the removal and preparation for transportation. We send construction waste containers in which you can dump all unnecessary garbage. Once you fill it out or decide that you need another one, call us and we will provide one!
Garbage disposal
In addition to construction waste, we can take care of all other types of garbage that you want to get rid of. For example, if in addition to renovating your home you have decided to get rid of unnecessary furniture, then we are here for you. We throw away old furniture from homes and vehicles from basements, attics, garages and interior spaces.
Multigroup Property Services offers regulated disposal of household and construction waste in accordance with Canadian legislation and British Columbia directive on waste recycling. Call 778-513-0333 to learn more about the opportunities where you can dispose of your garbage at extremely competitive prices with the help of our movers. We work without a day off and meet the pre-agreed deadlines! We are expecting you…