In case you want to paste the wallpaper yourself, we will give you useful tips to help you stay happy with the result.
- Prepare a dry and clean space where you will smear the wallpaper with glue. This is necessary because the wallpaper is laid face down (smeared on the back) and can get dirty. It is most convenient to work on a table.
- It is desirable to prime the walls to equalize the absorbency of the various walls and layers.
- Measure the height from ceiling to floor and after adding 10 cm apply this distance to the wallpaper and cut. Match the patterns to match the front wallpaper, if necessary.
- The adhesive should be diluted according to the instructions for use on the label.
- After dilution, the glue is spread on the back of the wallpaper in an even layer.
- Different types of wallpaper should stay at different times to soften after application. The single-layer ones should be glued immediately (if they stay wet they soften and then they break very easily), and the double-layer and PVC ones should wait for 5-6 minutes. Carefully read and follow the instructions on the wallpaper, if any. While they stay, they are folded in two with the greased parts facing each other, which allows several greased wallpapers to be placed on top of each other.
- Before the first wallpaper is glued, it is obligatory to make a vertical line or marks with a level, plumb line or laser level, on which to glue the first wallpaper and make sure that it is absolutely vertical. Please do not be guided only by the corner of the room, as often the walls are not straight and if you go with the first wallpaper wrong, then everyone should be close to it, and everyone will be crooked.
- Each wallpaper is glued from the top and goes down. Air bubbles are expelled with movements from the center of the wallpaper to both sides - left and right. For this purpose we can use a dry brush or a clean cloth.
- When gluing a corner - internal and external, first we fold the upper end in the corner and then we start gluing down.
- Take your time - be patient!